“I have suffered from poor digestion and gut issues my whole life and have tried so many different products/supplements/etc…and have sought advice and counsel from many eastern and western practitioners. After my 1st session with Ingrid, she identified very accurately what was happening in my body. I had so many issues, all interconnected, but Ingrid very easily broke it down for me and explained what was happening in my body and more importantly, why. Ingrid knew my hormones were off and told me about the connection between the gut, our hormones, and immune system and so she said that first and foremost we needed to treat my gut. She gave me just one or two things to start with so as to not overwhelm me, my system or my lifestyle with new regimens and protocols. After taking one or two supplements that Ingrid recommended and following her protocol, I felt instantly better and started to process and digest food better than I have in my entire life. My appetite was better, bloating and gas were way down. I was so impressed after just one session that now I don’t know what I would do without her advice and counsel. I was about to give up after seeing so many practitioners who didn’t really listen to me, or if they listened, they were not hearing what I was saying. Ingrid listens, hears you and helps. She is so down to earth and so approachable and she shares her own experiences which makes you feel more at ease than anyone I have ever worked with. I am now on a road to recovery with Ingrid’s advice and counsel. My gut is healing day by day and this, in turn, has calmed down my hormones; I sleep better, have more energy, look better and have better moods.”